2024 Awards submissions due March 31st, 2025
This award will be made to a civil engineer of recognized standing whose sustained and unusual efforts have enhanced the advancement of the civil engineering profession and/or provided a service to mankind during the previous calendar year.
Criteria to be considered in selecting the recipient include: Registered Professional Engineer, a resident of the State of Maryland and a member in good standing of the Maryland Section of ASCE at the time of application.
This award will be made to a civil engineer, age 35 or under on January 1 of the current year (2025), who has demonstrated superior achievement and dedication to his or her profession.
Criteria to be considered in selecting the recipient include: Registered Professional Engineer or Engineer-in-Training, a resident of the State of Maryland and a member in good standing of the Maryland Section of ASCE at the time of application, scholastic achievement, professional society activities, engineering experience and accomplishment, technical papers and civic and humanitarian activities.
This award will be made to an individual, preferably a Registered Professional Engineer, of recognized standing whose sustained and unusual service contributions have been to the public welfare, the advancement of the civil engineering profession and/or service to mankind throughout their career.
Criteria to be considered in selecting the recipient include: a resident of the State of Maryland, a member in good standing of the Maryland Section of ASCE at the time of application and a minimum 25 year career.
This award will be made to an engineering educator of recognized standing whose sustained and unusual educational contributions have been to the advancement of the civil engineering profession and/or service to mankind.
Criteria to be considered in selecting the recipient include: a resident of the State of Maryland, working in a school located in the State of Maryland, and member in good standing of the Maryland Section of ASCE (not a requirement) at the time of application.
This award will be made to a current civil engineering student from a Maryland University who has demonstrated outstanding achievements in education and internship experience. Criteria to be considered in selecting the recipient include: full time civil engineering student registered at a Maryland University; an ASCE member in good standing at the time of application; scholastic achievement, student society activities, engineering internship experience, and accomplishment in civic and humanitarian activities.
(Two Categories: Projects with total construction costs of greater than approximately $20 Million and Projects approximately $20 Million or less)
This award shall be presented to an individual, civil engineering firm or governmental agency primarily responsible for conceiving and/or developing the technical aspects of an engineering project primarily related to the field of civil engineering, either by its basic function or by some outstanding major components. The project must have been completed during the previous calendar year (2024) and be located in the State of Maryland. Essentially all of the work shall have been performed in Maryland. The intent of the award is to recognize the civil engineering aspects of the project.
Eligible projects are not limited to engineering accomplishment with a specific end product such as a building or bridge. They may include significant contributions toward solving environmental problems, traffic congestion, industrial research and development, energy and conservation, national defense or other worthy projects that contribute to meeting a human or social need within the State of Maryland.
Criteria to be considered in selecting the recipient include being at least one of the following:
A member of the Maryland Section of ASCE
A Maryland consulting engineering firm
A Public Works Agency located in the operating area of the Maryland Section of ASCE*
*Operating area of the Maryland Section of ASCE includes all of Maryland except the counties of Montgomery and Prince George’s. College Park is in Prince George’s County; however, it is allocated to the Maryland Section.
All applications submitted for the Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award (both categories) can elect to be nominated for the People’s Choice Award during the submission process. Each nominated project will be required to bring a poster presentation to the ASCE Awards Event in June to be eligible for this award. The winner will be selected by vote of the event attendees.
Recommended poster size: 48"x60". Other sizes will be allowed.
Previous Award Winners
Civil Engineer of the Year
2023 Michael Perrotta
2022 Alex Ollerman
2021 Carrie Nicholson
2019 Rosanna La Plante
2018 Marco V. Ávila
2017 Rudolph S. Chow
2016 David D. Dee
2015 W. Arthur “Art” Barrett II
2014 Raymond L. Moravec
2013 Joel K. Oppenheimer
2012 Thomas G. Sprehe
2011 Mathew J. Allen
2010 Harvey A. Kagan
2009 Stephen A. Walsh
2008 Melinda Peters
2007 Robert Healy
2006 David W. Wallace
2005 John A. Moeller
2004 Ronald E. Bowen
2003 Thomas E. Mohler
2002 Daniel T. Cheng
2001 Terry F. Neimeyer
2000 Clyde Pyers
1999 Robert D. Douglass
1998 David G. Mongan
1997 Keith A. Duerling
1996 Bruce H. Hoffman
1995 Ernest Rehmeyer
1994 Jack Kinstlinger
1993 Charles R. Olsen
1992 Charles S. Morgenthaler
1991 Daniel W. Vannoy
1990 David S. Thaler
1989 Alexander Whitney, Jr.
1988 Earle S. Freedman
1987 Ross B. Corotis
Young Engineer of the Year
2023 Sarah Taylor
2022 Alyssa S. Sooklal
2021 Kelly Ambrose
2020 Stephanie Richmond
2019 Amanda Shifflett
2018 Robert Miller
2017 Charles W. W. Mitchell, III
2016 Matthew E. Davis
Nathaniel Krause
2015 Matthew McCarty
2014 Megan E. Peal
2013 Nicole D. Baer
2012 Blaine W. Linkous
2011 Carrie Nicholson
2010 Cynthia S. Smith
2009 David L. Borusiewicz
2008 Kelly Steiner
2007 Christopher Heyn
2006 David Sean McCone
2005 Kelly E. Brennan
2004 Amanda D. Schindhelm
2003 Christopher S. Fronheiser
2002 Lori L. Graham, PhD
2001 Frank H. Kaul
2000 Joseph P. Kittner
1999 Antonio A. Mawry
1998 Jill M. Spiess
1997 David D. Dee, Jr .
1996 David A. Lookenbill
1995 David Eugene Scott
1994 Norine M. Walker
1993 Joel K. Oppenheimer
1992 Michael J. Rothenheber
1991 Douglas W. Andrew
1990 Timothy W. Crawford
1989 John E. Hayter
1988 Karl J. Rickert
1987 Larry E. Newman
Meritorious Service to the Civil Engineering Profession
2023 Russell Anderson
2021 Stuart Taub
2020 Terry Neimeyer
2019 Joel K. Oppenheimer
2018 Frank J. Murphy
2017 Frank Waesche, III
2016 Daniel T. Cheng
David A. Greenwood
2015 Fred F. Mirmiran
2014 Stephen V. Silva
2013 Doug Rose
2012 Ronald Lepson
David S. Thaler
2011 David G. Mongan
2010 James O. Montgomery
2009 Raymond E. Streib
2008 Edward Meehan
2007 Carl Scheffel Sr .
Donald Vannoy
2006 S. Murray Miller
2005 Richard W. Magnani
2004 William K. Hellman
2003 Mahesh J. Sharma
2002 Amar Sokhey
2001 Charles A. Diver
Warren L. Diver
2000 Michael C. Hild
1999 Robert B. Miller
1998 George H. Eichner
1997 Earle S. Freedman
1996 Harry J. Pistel
1995 J. Jay Pecora
1994 George G. Balog
1993 William K. Lee, III
1992 James P. Krawczyk
1991 Richard H. Trainor
1988 Eugene C. Harvey
1987 Walter E. Woodford
Outstanding Engineering Educator
2020 Louise Wallendorf
2019 Dr. Dong Hee Kang
2017 Dr. Sarah E. Mouring
2016 Dr. James G. Hunter
2015 Dr. Rachel H. Sangree
2014 Dr. Monique Head
2013 Russ Anderson
2012 Nicolas P. Jones
2006 Donald C. Helm
2005 Chung C. Fu
2004 Ahmet H. Aydilek
2002 Annalingam Anandarajah
2001 Glenn Moglen
2000 M. Sherif Aggour
1999 Reginald L. Amory
1997 Robert H. Scanlan
1996 Robert M. Ragan
1995 James Colville
1992 Ross B. Corotis
1991 Richard H. McCuen
1990 Gerard H. Schlimm
1989 Daniel Garber, Jr.
Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement
2023 Central Avenue Streetscape and Harbor Point Connector Bridge (Design Build)
St. Mary's College Recreational Trail
2021 MD 32 Design Build
Back River Headworks Project
2020 MDOT MAA Taxiway T2 Construction
2019 Midfield Cargo Apron Improvements - BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport
Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant - Enhanced Nutrient Removal Upgrade Project
2018 Calvert Cliffs Slope Stabilization Naval Research Lab – Chesapeake Bay Detachment
Recreation Pier - Sagamore Pendry Hotel
2017 Annapolis City Dock Bulkhead Replacement, Phase 2
2016 Piscataway Hills Landslide Stabilization
Reconstruction of Charles Street from 25th Street to University Parkway
2015 Towson Finished Water Reservoir
Montebello Plant 2 Finished Water Reservoir
2014 Design-Build, Operate and Maintain Stormwater Management Facilities
MARC Halethorpe Station High-Level Platform and Pedestrian Bridge
2013 Rehabilitation of Devil’s Backbone Dam & Park
InterCounty Connector – Contract C
2012 Baltimore City Downtown Infrastructure Imp. Project: Baltimore Grand Prix
Rehabilitation of the Thomas J. Hatem Memorial Bridge
2011 MD 355 Interchange from Hoya Road to Maple/Chapman Avenue
Gatehouse Anchorage System for Pretty Boy Dam
2010 Grade Separation of MD 450 at CSX Railroad
Lusby Southern Connector Boulevard
2009 Woodrow Wilson Bridge Replacement
Accelerated Construction of the Annapolis City Dock
2008 U.S. 29 Briggs Chaney Road Interchange
Mattawoman Wastewater Treatment Plant ENR Upgrade
2007 Central Light Rail Double Track Project
Woodrow Wilson Bridge Fish Passage Project
2006 Loch Raven Dam Rehabilitation
MD 295 over AMTRAK and Stony Run Bridge Repairs
2005 Reconstruction of the I-95 and MD 22 Interchange
Rehabilitation of the Druid Lake Fountain
2004 Cleaning and Painting of the Eastbound William Preston Lane Jr. Mem. Bridge
MD 140 Interchange Improvements at I-695
2003 Salisbury Bypass, U.S. 50 Relocated
2003 Forge Hill Road Bridge
2002 MARC Commuter Rail Service Extension to Frederick
2002 Paper Mill Road Bridge
2001 MD 5 at Coventry Way Urban Diamond Interchange
2001 O’Donnell Street Viaduct Replacement
2000 I-695 Dualization from Key Bridge Toll Plaza to North of MD 151 Replacement of Bridge on MD 392 over Marshyhope Creek
1999 MD Route 100 Realignment
Knapps Narrows Bridge Replacement
1998 Baltimore Central Light Rail Line - Phase II
Canal Parkway Grade Separation at the C&O Canal
1997 I-95 Commercial Vehicle Weigh and Inspection Complex
The Dorsey Road Commuter Rail Station
1996 Baltimore Metro Section C
Booth’s Mill Bridge over Antietam Creek
1995 The U.S. Naval Academy Bridge
1994 Baltimore Central Light Rail Line
1993 U.S. 1 Bridge over Gunpowder Falls
1992 National Freeway (I-68) & Sideling Hill Exhibit Center
1991 I-270 Corridor Reconstruction
1990 Vienna Bridge Bypass and Approach Roadways
1988 U.S. 50/301 Bridge over Severn River
1. Entries should include:
Project descriptions, costs, etc.;
Reasons why the nominee should receive the award;
Name and e-mail address of the person submitting the nomination.
2. Entries must be submitted using the following link and follow the below guidelines: Project Award or Individual Award
a. For the Project Awards, the formal submission shall be limited to a maximum of twelve (12) pages
b. For the Individual Awards, the formal submission shall be limited to a maximum of six (6) pages
3. Multiple nominations for one or more of the awards will be acceptable.
We welcome your input, comments, and suggestions on the award process. Please submit nominations, as well as comments and questions to the committee coordinator at the above address.
Questions? Contact