Dr. Dong Hee Kang, Ph.D., P.E.

 2019 Outstanding Educator

Dr. Dong Hee Kang has expertise in the area of water quality monitoring, constructed wetland system, stormwater management, fate and transport emerging contaminants, environmental restoration, and soil and groundwater remediation. Dr. Kang had been granted an M.S degree in hydrology area at Chung-Ang University (Seoul, Korea) and Ph.D. in environmental engineering from Purdue University.

Dr. Kang is an exceptional educator, he goes above and beyond the Call of Duty. Apart from being an amazing professor and mentor, Dr. Kang actively participates in extracurricular activities that promotes student growth. 

During the Fall of 2018, Dr. Kang became the advisor for Steel Bridge and the Co-advisor for the Morgan State University ASCE Student Chapter. Despite being new to the position, Dr. Kang jumped right in and got things moving. As out team prepared for the steel bridge competition, Dr. Kang would get us together every week and check on our weekly progress, carefully taking the time to mentor each of us individually and improving on our ideas as we moved forward. 

Dr. Kang is a committee member of Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI) Drainage and Water Quality, The Maryland Quality Initiative (MdQI) Innovation Subcommittee and Board member of Chesapeake Bay Environmental & Water Resources Institute (CBEWRI). His research experiences are related in the area of water resource, emerging contaminants fate and transport, land subsidence, recycled materials, renewable energy and soil & groundwater and regularly attending related area such as Transportation Research Board conferences, MATs UTC annual meeting, Baltimore Researchers Colloquium, MSI COPC conference, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, ASA-CSSA-SSSA conference etc. maintains membership in American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and EWRI. He participated in a number of internal and external funded project including I -GAP, MII, MAUTC, DOT, SHA, USDA, etc. Dr. Kang maintains a board certification as a Professional Engineer in the State of Maryland, Erosion.