Infrastructure Report Card
The 2020 Report Card for Maryland’s Infrastructure was released during a virtual press conference March 19, 2020.
The 2020 Report Card for Maryland’s Infrastructure covers 12 categories - aviation, bridges, dams, drinking water, energy, ports, rail, roads, solid waste, stormwater, transit, and wastewater. It was compiled by a committee of 25 civil engineers across Maryland who volunteered their time to collect and analyze publicly available data, prepare and review their findings, and present their conclusions. The committee worked with the national staff of ASCE and ASCE’s Committee on America’s Infrastructure to provide a snapshot of the state of Maryland’s infrastructure. With a commitment to serve and protect the public, the committee compiled the Report Card as a public, voluntary service to citizens and policymakers to inform them about Maryland’s infrastructure needs.
2020 ASCE Maryland Infrastructure Report Card Committee Members
Kofi Acheampong, P.E., PhD, ENV SP
Mehmet Boz, P.E., PhD
William T. Carver
Milani Chatterji-Len
Gerald Dougherty, P.E.
Mark Gutberlet, P.E.
Robert Healy, P.E.
Nicole Huang, EIT, CFM
Chuck Lacey, Jr., P.E.
Amber Long
Charles W. W. Mitchell, III, P.E.
Elisa C. Mitchell, P.E.
Carrie Nicholson, P.E.
Michael O’Connor, P.E.
Kwabena Ofori-Awuah, P.E.
Franz Alex Ollerman, P.E.
Megan Peal, P.E.
Mike Perrotta, P.E., AICP
Paul A. Petzrick
Brian Post, P.E.
Alejandra Revilla
Denise Sarchiapone, P.E.
Tom Sprehe, P.E., BCEE
Ali Guihua Wang, P.E., PhD, BCEE
Timothy Wolfe