About Us

The Maryland Section is committed to the advancement of the science and profession of engineering for all of its membership – from the mountains of Garrett County to the coast line of our Eastern Shore and all points in between. We are a broad and diverse Section, and as such we strive to accommodate all members and provide opportunities for learning, for sharing, for giving back, and for bettering our society as a whole.

We built this website to provide a resource and a place to find out what is going on in the Maryland Section. From social events, to technical sessions and committees, to community outreach, there is a lot of information that can be found here on this website.

Be sure to check out the Calendar of events, to see what is coming up and then make sure you add the events to your personal calendar. You will also find information for each event regarding the location, how to make reservations, and the cost. There is a PayPal Option if you prefer to pay by credit card.

There are dedicated pages for the Catoctin Branch and the Eastern Shore Branch, where specific information on activities and events at the Branch’s levels can be found.

Each of our Technical Institutes has a separate page for specific information and details and can be found from the links at the top. These include the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) – Maryland, the Maryland Chapter of the Geotechnical Institute (G-I), and the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Water Resources Institute (EWRI).

Our Younger Member Group, who host events open to all members, has a page that can be found from the links at the top. The YM Group comprises members age 35 and under and provides a great platform for new members and recent graduates to get involved with ASCE.

The Section’s Board members certainly hope this website provides a valuable tool for our membership. If you have any comments or suggestions, then please let us know by emailing info@ascemd.org.