Joel K. Oppenheimer, P.E.
2019 Meritorious Service to the Civil Engineering Profession
Since his graduation from the University of Pennsylvania in 1979, Joel has provided considerable meritorious service to the civil engineering profession and community. He has been a Professional Engineer registered in Maryland (since 1984) and registered in eight (8) other states and Washington DC. Joel has been a member in good standing of the Maryland Section, ASCE since 1979. Joel has chaired many committees for ASCE, including Maryland Section’s 100th Anniversary Celebration, National ASCE Conference that was held in Baltimore in the Fall of 2004, Maryland Section’s National ASCE 150th Celebration in 2002. In addition to chairing several committees, Mr. Oppenheimer has been the Secretary, Vice President, Present and a Board of Directors Member of the Maryland Section of ASCE.
Joel has been an essential part of the team at STV Inc., for nearly 15 years. As Senior Vice President and Baltimore Office Manager, Joel has been responsible for overseeing all of the Transportation and Infrastructure Division’s marketing, execution of work, hiring and training for the Maryland market. He oversees a T&I staff of 105, an annual revenue of $10M and a backlog of $30M.
In addition to Joel’s many accomplishments with ASCE and STV, Joel spends a great deal of his time giving back and strengthening the engineering community. Joel has been the State Mathcounts Coordinator for the past 22 years. He oversees Maryland State Competition, which has grown to more 750 mathletes participating from more than 110 schools. He has also developed a series of seminars titled, “Building A Better Life – Concrete Steps to Success”, which he has presented over 300 times at various venues, such as MdQI, SHA Advanced Leadership Program, MTA, MDTA, WTS, University of Maryland Capstone Class, University of Maryland Honors Seminars, UMBC, STV University just to name a few.
Joel also finds the time to participate in the STV mentoring program, donate platelets every three weeks. Since 1992, Joel has given 530 platelet donations – that equates to about 66 gallons!