Midfield Cargo Apron Improvements
BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport
2019 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement
Under $20 Million
Maryland Department of Transportation
Maryland Aviation Administration | Owner
Michael Baker International | Consultant
P. Flanigan & Sons, Inc. | Contractor
Early in 2017 MAA identified the need to significantly expand the existing cargo apron located at BWI Marshall in order to support a new cargo operation on extremely short notice. This required the mobilization of an expedited design effort, relocation of existing tenants and several projects to meet the requirements. The largest effort consisted of construction more than 28,000 SY of new apron pavement requiring excavation, stone placement, asphalt paving, and concrete pours with a typical section of 34” depth and significant utility infrastructure. The work was to be phased in three areas which were required to be completed in 154 calendar days to receive aircraft traffic. The project requirements were to have the apron completed and available for operations before the end of the year to meet cargo demands. The project bought together an experienced project team that had completed several challenging and difficult airfield projects at BWI Marshall in recent years.
July 2017 - Midfield Cargo Facility before project initiation
Notice to proceed for the project was issued on July 10th and the work was separated into two phases, Phase 1 and Phase 1A of the project, which totaled just under 17,000 SY of the cargo apron were to be turned over on, or before, October 31st. This only allowed for 114 calendar days to complete Phase 1 and Phase 1A including a 14-day required concrete curing period before the apron could be permitted for use. Additionally, a large monetary incentive, which had the potential to affect the profitability of the project added additional pressure to complete the aggressive schedule.
September 2017
The remainder of the apron and all other project requirements were to be completed in the remaining 40-days. The project also provided apron lighting, comprehensive SWM/Drainage improvements including a trench drain along the width of the apron and glycol collection infrastructure to support deicing operations on the apron. The entire project was constructed in close proximity to operating portions of the airfield and was completed in a safe and efficient manner.
October 2017 – Project Complete